Annual Reports

Annual Reports

The annual report is designed to gather information about the sponsor that will appear in CPME publication 700, Approved Sponsors of Continuing Education in Podiatric Medicine. The annual report also is designed to inform the Council of changes in the sponsor’s program of continuing education. Finally, the information provided in the Completed Activities section represents the comprehensive list of the sponsor’s activities provided during the 2011 calendar year. This information is used by the Council and the sponsor in calculating the amount of the annual supplementary assessment and in verifying to state podiatric medical board’s information continuing education activities provided by approved sponsors.

Please submit the annual report by email and include a copy of it with all required attachments in PDF format in a bookmarked, continuous document on one flash drive to the Council. A cover letter signed by both the chief administrative officer of the sponsor and the director of continuing education must accompany the flash drive.

The Council on Podiatric Medical Education requests that approved sponsors of continuing education in podiatric medicine complete an annual report by January 13, 2012.