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CPME FAQs – Continuing Education Providers

What is the Council’s role in continuing education for podiatrists?

The Council approves providers of continuing education that demonstrate and maintain compliance with the standards and requirements stated in CPME 720, Standards and Requirements for Approval of Providers of Continuing Education in Podiatric Medicine, and that follow the procedures outlined in CPME 730, Procedures for Approval of Providers of Continuing Education in Podiatric Medicine.

What is the role of the Continuing Education Committee (CEC)?

The CEC is responsible for reviewing applications, petitions for continued approval, evaluation reports, progress reports, annual reports, and other information submitted by the providers within its review area.

What does “approval” mean, and why is it important?

Approved continuing education providers have demonstrated compliance with established standards and requirements. Approval is based on programmatic evaluation and periodic review by the Council and CEC. Participation in continuing education activities offered by approved continuing education providers helps podiatrists meet requirements for maintenance of licensure, maintenance of certification, credentialing, and membership in professional societies. Approved providers create a protected space for podiatrists to learn and teach without commercial influence.

Does the CPME approve individual continuing education activities?

No. The CPME approves organizations that produce continuing medical education (CME) activities. The approval process includes review of CME activities for demonstration of compliance with CPME requirements. For more information, see CPME’s description of the approval process in CPME 730, Procedures for Approval of Providers of Continuing Education in Podiatric Medicine.

Can an organization apply to become a continuing education provider if it has never conducted a continuing education activity?

A new provider should be aware that it is difficult to demonstrate its ability to comply with the standards and requirements until after at least one continuing education activity has been completed. If the provider wishes to proceed with the application process during its first activity, the CEC and the Council will honor this request. To complete the process of CEC review and Council approval, however, the provider must submit documentation of subsequent evaluation and its use in planning future activities before the Council will act on the approval status of the provider.

How does my organization get approved as a provider of continuing education?

The approval process for providers of continuing education in podiatric medicine is a six-step process, involving:

  1. development of application or petition materials documenting the ability to comply with the Council’s standards and requirements;
  2. review of the application or petition by the CEC;
  3. forwarding of an approval recommendation from the CEC to the Council;
  4. determination by the Council of initial or continued approval;
  5. if applicable, procedural reconsideration, reconsideration, and appeal of a proposed adverse action; and
  6. annual follow-up of progress in improving the quality of the activities provided.

Providers are strongly encouraged to review CPME 720, Standards and Requirements for Approval of Providers of Continuing Education in Podiatric Medicine, prior to applying for approval or submitting petitions. Particular attention should be paid to the sections entitled “Glossary” and “Information for Providers.”